If we want a structure that contains pointers to two integers, we can declare it like:
struct two_ptrs { int *x; int *y; };
We can also declare a pointer to a structure as in:
struct student *this_student;
Now suppose we want to access the GPA of the student pointed to
Well, the expression,
will do
Remember that the thing on the left should be a structure and
is a pointer, then
will be the structure it points to.
Then we have the thing on the right of the dot being one of the
members of that structure.
We need the parentheses in this case because dot has a higher
precedence than pointer dereferencing (
That is, without the parentheses, it would have been interpreted
as equivalent to
and the types
would not have been right at all.
While this notation is perfectly usable, C recognizes that this
is a common enough operation that we have a short-cut for it.
(This is like the fact that
can be thought of
as a short-cut for
We can access that same GPA with the expression:
this_student->gpaThe operator
expects a structure pointer on the left and a
structure member on the right and gives us the named member
of the structure pointed to by the pointer on the left.
With this, we can write a
function that
does the opposite of
void read_student(struct student *this_student) { scanf("%s", this_student->name); scanf("%s", this_student->address); scanf("%d", &this_student->extension); scanf("%d", &this_student->grad_year); scanf("%f", &this_student->gpa); }
main() { int i; struct student student_body[1500]; for(i = 0; i < NUM_STUD; ++i) read_student(&student_body[i]); for(i = 0; i < NUM_STUD; ++i) print_student(student_body[i]); }
and not in the call to