If we declare something much as we do a structure but with the
instead of
then we have a union.
For example, if we have
union thing { int i; float f; char c; };
struct thing x;
is an integer,
is a floating point number and
is a character
just as with a structure.
The difference is that we can't store them all at once.
We can have the integer, the floating point number or the
character but only one of them at a time.
As you might guess, the union has a somewhat more specialized use as opposed to the structure. For example, we might use it if we had an array of structures that were all the same, but one part of them sometimes had an integer and sometimes had a float. Then we'd declare a union to be a member of the structure we created an array of. You can probably see why we're not going to be using unions in this class.