ENIAC 75th Anniversary Links

ENIAC Day Home Page

This is the starting point for the celebration. Most of the links below can also be found on this page. Be sure to check out the sponsors, partners, and supporters of ENIAC Day.


Unisys Celebration Video

Unisys is the corporate descendant of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation that John Mauchly and J Presper Eckert founded to commercially develop computers after their development of the ENIAC. For the 75th anniversary, Unisys partnered with Compuseum and produced a professional video celebration including a number of panel discussions as well as greeting from sites across the world who display ENIAC artifacts. The celebration is posted on Vimeo:


University of Pennsylvania

The ENIAC was built at the University of Pennsylvania Moore School of Engineering. Over the years, UPenn has held celebrations on many of the ENIAC anniversaries. This year's celebration was in the form of a mini-symposium broadcast as a webinar. This link contains the schedule and further links to the videos of the individual talks:


Greeting and Birthday Wishes

Bill Mauchly's YouTube channel includes a number of videos wishing the ENIAC a happy birthday and showing a number of the ENIAC artifacts that are on display across the world.


ENIAC Demonstration Reenactment

This video is my recreation of the demonstration sequences that was done at the unveiling to show off the capabilities of the machine:
