CS 430 Computer Graphics Final Exam Topics
- Computer Graphics Technical and Application Areas
- Sketchpad System
- Line drawing algorithms
- Circle drawing algorithm
- Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm
- Point-in-Polygon algorithm
- Flood-fill algorithm
- Structure of Bezier curves
- Structure of B-spline curves
- Structure of NURBS curves
- Convex hull
- Continuity
- de Casteljau Algorithm
- Curve drawing by subdivision
- Bezier curve degree elevation
- Cox-deBoor Recursion
- Knot insertion
- de Boor B-spline drawing algorithm
- Barycentric coordinates
- Thick Primitives
- Half-toning
- Anti-aliasing
- Color systems
- Structure of BRep, parametric and subdivision surfaces
- Surface drawing algorithms
- Surface evaluation algorithms
- Boolean operations
- CSG modeling
- Implicit modeling
- Types of solid models
- Approximate model representations
- Euler's formula
- Ray casting/tracing
- Radiosity
- Dot products, cross products, vector normalization
- vector addition and multiplication
- Implicit form of line and circle
- Parametric form of line
- Structure of parametric curves
- Properties of Bezier curves
- Surface normal
- Surface silhouette
- Backface culling
File last modified on December, 2023.