Programming Assignment 2 (due midnight 09/03/12)
Penalty for late submission: 10% less credit/day.
Each student group should choose a collection of problems with total number of points not exceeding 120. All points you gain above 100 count for extra credit and may compensate your lower performance on programming assignment 1.
Implement the following:
Dictionary ADT (4.5-4.8) with open hash tables (fig. 4.12) for problem 2 and closed hash tables (fig 4.14) for problem 3. Verify experimentally the following statements.
In statements of problems 2 and 3 a = N/B is the load factor, N is the number of elements in the set, and B is the size of the bucket/hash table. It is recommended that you use library hash functions in your experiments.
4. (15 points) Dictionary ADT with BST's (5.1-5.2, figs 5.2-5.5). Verify experimentally that the average number of nodes on the path from the root to another node, in a random BST obtained by an iteration of INSERT operation is O(log2 n), where n is the number of items inserted into an initially empty BST. Assume that all permutations of elements are equally probable. It is recommended that you use library generators of random permutations.
5. (20 points) Trie (5.3) with a list representation for trie nodes (pages 167-168). Store the strings of the document Alice in Wonderland in your trie by iterating the INSERT operation and print out the size of the resulting trie (provide the exact definition of size that you use in your count).
6. (10 points) Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm (6.3) with the adjacency matrix as the representation of the graph. Test your implementation on the graph of problem 6 of review 2.
7. (20 points) Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm
(6.3) with a partially ordered tree as a priority queue and linked adjacency
lists as the representation of the graph. Test your implementation on the graph
of problem 6 of review 2.
An implementation in C is described in section 9.8 of our CS 270 textbook Foundations
of Computer Science by Alfred Aho and Jeffrey Ullman.
book chapters:
C code:
8. (10 points) Floyd's algorithm (6.4) with the option of recovering the paths. Test your implementation on the graph of problem 6 of review 2.
9. (10 points) Depth-first search algorithm (6.5) together with depth-first numbering of nodes. Test your algorithm on the graph of fig. 6.38, page 226.
10. (20 points) Fast Fourier Transform in two versions ([W]
2.5): dyadic size ([W] p.53) and any size ([W] p.55). Verify correctness of
your implementations by comparing the results of your program with the results
obtained with FFT's of
standard mathematical packages.
Symbol [W] refers to the book Algorithms and Complexity by Herbert Wilf.
Each of your programs should come together with testing data and the code running the tests. If you submit programs corresponding to problems 2,3 or 4 you need to include the data you were using in your experiments and a document containing tables with the display of your numerical results.