CS 360, Programming Language Concepts, Summer
Krzysztof Nowak
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 am - 11:50 pm, University
Crossings 109
Teaching Assistant
Mark Boady
Office Hours: Thursday
12 pm - 2 pm, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm, University Crossings 147
Mark’s CS 360 website: https://www.cs.drexel.edu/~mwb33/cs360_s2015/index.html
Materials (developed over
Summer 2013 and Summer 2014 together with Mark Boady)
Syllabus, Reading Schedule, Lectures: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16;
Labs: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Additional Lecture Materials
CS 265 Course Study
Files Part I
Section 2 slides
14-20, 24-28 (with Lecture 3), slides 30-31, 34-37 (with Lecture 7)
Programming Assignments: #1 (due
midnight 07/22/15, postponed till midnight 07/26/15),
(due midnight 08/05/15, postponed till midnight 08/09/15), #3 (due midnight 08/19/15, postponed
till midnight 08/23/15), #4 (due midnight 09/02/15)
Mark’s Submission Guidelines: PA 1, PA 2, PA 3, PA
Tests, quizzes, labs and the final exam will be open book. You will be allowed
to use the textbook, lecture materials, and all other resources available
through course website.
Programming Assignment 4: the timeline of group work
1. Monday week 10: group leaders fill in and e-mail
the initial leaders report (only groups consisting of at
least two students) to the instructor.
2. Friday week 10 - Monday week 11: group leaders collect the outcomes
of the work of group members, combine all ingredients together and redistribute
to group members for reevaluation, and in order to get their approval for
3. Wednesday week 11: Group leaders submit compressed
files containing completed programming assignments following the submission
guidelines. Students fill in the completion assessment report and submit it via e-mail to the
instructor (it counts
for 5% of the final exam grade).
Final Exam, Quiz 6,
Homework Assignment 8
SICP: Harold Abelson, Gerald
J. Sussman, Julie Sussman, Structure
and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Homework Assignment 8 due in
class on 08/20/15
Textbook problems: 7.2, 7.8, 7.10, 7.18
(C++ and Java)
Lab 5 on
Thursday 08/20/15
Students may submit remaining Lab 5
problems during Mark’s office hours on Thursday of week 10, or during the first
15 minutes of Lab 6
Quiz 6, 08/25/15, covers 7.1-7.5 & lectures 12-13
Practice problems: (textbook: 7.1 (C,C++ and Java), 7.6, 7.7, 7.12, 7.14-7.15,
7.17 (C++ and Java), 7.21 )
Lab 6 on
Thursday 08/27/15
Students may submit remaining Lab 6
problems during Mark’s office hours on Thursday of week 11
Final Exam,
Tuesday 09/01/15, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm, Curtis 250A, covers 2.1-2.7, 3.1-3.6,
4.1-4.6, 6.1-6.8, 7.1-7.5, 12.1-12.2 & lectures 1-13, 16
Practice problems related to 12.1.-12.2: (textbook: 12.4, 12.7-12.8, 12.10,
12.12, 12.14, 12.16, 12.18 (a))
Getting ready to Final Exam: Review carefully all practice, homework, quiz,
lab, and test problems.