Programming Assignment 3 (due midnight 08/19/15)

Penalty for late submission: 10% less credit/day.

Problem I (30 points). Mark’s website contains programs with timing experiments done on textbook’s Scheme, ML, Haskell and Prolog implementations of merge-sort.

1.      Extend the timing experiments of problem II of PA 2 to include Prolog as well. Report the timing results in the form of a table or a graph, draw your conclusions, and write them down.

2.      Provide a detailed analysis of structural similarities and differences between the Prolog implementation of merge-sort and the functional languages implementations of it done in Scheme, ML, and Haskell.

Problem II (40 points). Implement in C++ the recursive-descent parser for the language of balanced parentheses of section 11.6 of FCS (C code: Prepare a framework of tests demonstrating that the code you submit works properly. You are allowed to use directly the FCS C code provided on the FCS website and modify it with minimal necessary changes. The code you submit should include your tests.

Problem III (30 points).
Work out solutions of the following SICP programming problems: 4.4, 4.9 of section 4.1.2 and 4.11 of section 4.1.3. Submit your solutions together with the data demonstrating that your code works properly.

You will need to submit your code and reports following the submission rules that will be provided at a later date.