Using submit

This is a quick introduction to the submit program.


You have to be logged into tux. You must use the executable belonging to the instructor. So, e.g., if you are in one of Prof. Schmidt's CS260 sections, you would either:

  1. Add Prof. Schmidt's bin/ directory to your path (perhaps in your .bashrc file):
    $ PATH="~kss35/bin:$PATH"
    $ submit
    , or
  2. Invoking submit explicitly:
    $ ~kss35/bin/submit
  3. It might be convenient to create an alias in your .bashrc:

    alias submit='~kss35/bin/submit'

The man Page

There is a manpage. It's not been installed on the system yet.

$ man ~kss35/man/submit.1

Checking Available Courses, Assignments and their Due Dates

Submitting Files

For the following examples, consider the following directory:

$ ls -CF
'a b'   lab1   README   some_file   vi_lab

We want to submit lab1 , vi_lab and README to the first lab in CS265:


$ submit

Select course from
  cs260  cs265  Misc
==> cs265

Select assignment from
  Lab1  Lab2  Assn1  Help
==> lab1

The following files are not included.

 some_file README vi_lab lab1 a b

Enter additional files, one per line.		(blank line when done):
==> lab1
==> vi_lab

Files submitted for Lab1 in cs265:
README vi_lab lab1

Interactive – Long

The -l (long) option shows all aliases. You can use aliases in either case.

$ submit -l

Select course from
  cs260  260  ds
  cs265  265  unix
  Misc  misc
==> unix

Select assignment from
  Lab1  lab1  l1
  Lab2  lab2  l2
  Assn1  assn1  a1
  Help  help  h
==> l1

The following files are not included.

 some_file README vi_lab lab1 a b

Enter additional files, one per line.		(blank line when done):
==> lab1

Files submitted for Lab1 in cs265:

Batch Mode

Finally, you can enter all the needed info right on the command line, by using options to supply the course and the assignment, then listing the files as arguments.

$ submit -c 265 -a l1 lab1 vi_lab

Files submitted for Lab1 in cs265:
lab1 vi_lab

Note, file.2 and file.3 are still in the directory, from previous submissions.

You can overwrite files, but you can not delete files.

Resubmitting Files

You can submit as many times as you want to a given assignment.

Checking Submitted Files -v

If you supply the -v flag, designate a course and assignment, either using options, or, interactively, you will be shown your log file for that submission.

$ submit -v -c 265 -a 2
Log for Assignment 2, in course 265:
Fri Jan  5 18:39:55 2024
Fri Jan  5 18:43:31 2024
Fri Jan  5 18:43:51 2024
Fri Jan  5 18:44:04 2024