CS 360, Programming Language Concepts, Summer 2014

Krzysztof Nowak
e-mail: kn33@drexel.edu
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 am - 11:50 pm, University Crossings 109

Teaching Assistant
Mark Boady
e-mail: mwb33@drexel.edu
Office Hours: Thursday 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm, University Crossings 147
Main Page of Mark' CS360 Links

CS 360 Programming Assignment 2 Submission Guidelines

  1. Assignments must be submitted via Email.
    Email the Assignment to mwb33@drexel.edu
    CC a copy to Professor Nowak knowak1248@gmail.com
  2. The Title of the Email must be CS 360: Programming Assignment 2
  3. Attach all solutions in a single zip or tar.gz file. Name the file username_a2.zip or username_a2.tar.gz where username is your drexel login. For example, mine would be mwb33_a2.zip.
    Here is a useful website for making zip/tar.gz/etc in linux: http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/12/15/how-to-create-and-extract-zip-tar-targz-and-tarbz2-files-in-linux/
  4. In the body of the email list all the files you are submitting. Give the name of the compressed file and a list of the contents. If any files are missing/corrupted, then I will know what you submitted.
  5. Each file should contain:
    1. Your Name
    2. Comments documenting all functions included in the file
    3. Instructions on how to use the code
  6. For Problem III, submit the data base of information and queries I need to run in prolog to see you answers. I should just have to load the files and enter the queries to see the results.
  7. Submit a readme file containing the following:
    1. Your Name
    2. Email Address
    3. Example Execution Traces testing each of your functions. You should be running these on tux. You can just copy-paste all the text from the terminal. I should be able to duplicate exactly what you put in the readme.
  8. A PDF document with your answers to the analysis questions in Problems I and II.
  9. All your code MUST run on tux.cs.drexel.edu