CS 360, Programming Language Concepts, Summer
Krzysztof Nowak
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 am - 11:50 pm, University
Crossings 109
Teaching Assistant
Mark Boady
Office Hours: Thursday
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, University Crossings 147
Main Page of Mark' CS360 Links
Course Website (Evening Section):
Course Website (Day Section):
CS 360 Programming Assignment 1 Submission Guidelines
- Assignments must be submitted via learning.drexel.edu.
Submit all solutions in a single zip or tar.gz file. Name the file username_a1.zip or username_a1.tar.gz where username is your drexel login. For example, mine would be mwb33_a1.zip.
Here is a useful website for making zip/tar.gz/etc in linux: http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/12/15/how-to-create-and-extract-zip-tar-targz-and-tarbz2-files-in-linux/
- Each file should contain:
- Your Name
- Comments documenting all functions included in the file
- Instructions on how to use the code
For Problem II, submit a makefile to built and run you code. Provide comments about which commands run which problems. For example, "make randlist" compiles the random list and "make rand100" makes a file with 100 random numbers.
- Submit a readme file containing the following:
- Your Name
- Email Address
- Example Execution Traces testing each of your functions. You should be running these on tux. You can just copy-paste all the text from the terminal. I should be able to duplicate exactly what you put in the readme.
- A PDF document with your answers to the analysis questions in Problem II.
- All your code MUST run on tux.cs.drexel.edu